Saturday, June 20, 2009

Test post

this is just a test to see if I can post to blogger using flock.
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Samsung Televisions | Google Page One

Well, I have gotten my 2nd keyword onto page one of Google position 1-3 consistently using niche blue print process. Traffic is starting to increase and more people are creating an account. Still no sales but I found out that I need to stay on top of pricing better. I was getting traffic but allowed my store to become uncompetitive due to rapidly fluctuating pricing on samsung televisions and toshiba lcd’s from the distribution facility.

I have completely updated all prices just in time for the holiday’s. Hopefully this will allow me to take advantage of the opportunity for increased sales by passing the price reductions directly onto the buyer.

The prices are supposed to hold till the 4th of July. I will need to pay more attention to what it means to spend a couple of hours each day on managing my store. Now I have learned that this means in my case that I need to check pricing from wholesale suppliers and bounce it against competition and make adjustments as needed to stay in the game.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Samsung Televisions 2nd Keyword SEO Results

Well, Samsung Televisions, the second keyword that I applied SEO Techniques learned from Niche Blue Print Course has made it to Page one Position one on Google Search Results. I am hopeful that this is a better Buying Keyword and that I will see increased traffic and sales at tvs televisions online.

I have also started the niche blue print process for another site dealing with refinancing home mortgage programs. The mortgage market is an especially fiercely competitive market however using Market Samurai I found a keyword that has lots of traffic and the right amount of competition. Since I did not Purchase Market Samurai yet I had to manually look at criteria that isolates the rest of the variables. I admit that I didn't stick to the process the way I should but jumped in prematurely. Anyway, my keyword has made it to position 6 in live search so I am hopeful that soon it will start showing up on Google. Right now refinancing home mortgage is still not showing up.